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Sir Richard Roberts

  • Golden Rice
  • The importance of modern plant breeding for developing countries
  • Geist Heidelberg, Lecture

Note: Unfortunately, the event is cancelled due to rising incidence numbers and the uncertain pandemic situation. We are working to find an alternate date. Tickets can be returned at the respective advance booking office. Tickets purchased online will be automatically cancelled through our service provider Reservix.

Genetic engineering has been debated for years – where some fear serious consequences from human intervention in nature, others see great opportunities:

According to Richard Roberts, crops can be modified to meet people’s needs much better and enrich or even save many lives, especially in developing countries – like so-called Golden Rice, a rice variety genetically enriched with a precursor of vitamin A to counteract deficiency with consequences ranging from blindness to death. Should we take a more global view and reassess the opportunities and risks of genetically modified foods?

Sir Richard J. Roberts, born in 1943, is a biochemist and molecular biologist. After completing his doctorate at the University of Sheffield, he spent research periods at Harvard and Cambridge, among other places. In 1993 he was awarded, together with Philip A. Sharp, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology.

Language: English

In the framework of the International Science Festival – Geist Heidelberg


Unfortunately, the event is cancelled due to rising incidence numbers and the uncertain pandemic situation. We are trying to find an alternative date. Tickets can be returned at the respective advance booking office. Tickets purchased online will be automatically cancelled via our service provider Reservix.