Hubert Seipel

  • Putin's power
  • Why Russia needs Europe
  • Lecture

The global balance of power has changed. Europe is increasingly caught in a dangerous tension between the USA, China and Russia.
“America First,” as the new U.S. President Biden has already announced, will continue to apply; the U.S. will remain an unreliable partner and cling to the enemy image of Russia. But how will the EU relate to Russia after the assassination of Nawalny and the elections in Belarus? With whom will it go into the future?
Hardly anyone knows Vladimir Putin as well as Hubert Seipel, who is the only Western journalist with direct, personal access to him. In his new book, he analyzes Russia’s politics in recent years, the EU’s fruitless trial of strength with Russia, and a global power system that is realigning itself.

Hubert Seipel, born in 1950, first worked as an editor and foreign correspondent for Stern and Spiegel before switching to television and specializing in complex economic and political issues. In 2012, ARD broadcast Seipel’s documentary Ich, Putin – ein Portrait. In early 2014, he conducted the world’s first television interview with Edward Snowden.

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