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Philosophy and design

  • What is this and can it go away?
  • Arnold & Arnold
  • In dialogue

The event will take place exclusively online in the free YouTube Livestream. Questions and contributions to the discussion can be submitted in the live chat of the event or in advance via email to info@dai-heidelberg.de.
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Philosophy designs incomprehensible systems, design prettifies what has already been made. The one is busy with meaningless depth, the other with unnecessary surface. So do the two complement each other in their superfluousness? In any case, they come too late when it comes to shaping our reality.

If one takes these prejudices, which are still alive today, as a starting point, various questions can be asked: If the two are so similar, what exactly is their relationship? What is the relationship between thinking and designing?
Together, Arnold & Arnold find out why the accusation of post-sustainability and superfluousness alone is too short-sighted.

Dr. Dr. Florian Arnold, research associate at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart.
Dr. Thomas Arnold, research associate at the Department of Philosophy, University of Heidelberg.

In the series Praktisch Philosophie!

In cooperation with Alfred Landecker Democracy Fellowship.


Free online event