A New Era of Transatlantic Relations?

DAI - Großer Saal

  • Richard Dreyfuss, James Hoge, Norman Birnbaum...
  • The Values We share - International Conference
  • Conference


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A new U.S. president has been elected. Countries all over the world and particularly in Europe are expecting a new era of American leadership. There is hope that the transatlantic partnership will be restored to full health by the new president, and the U.S. will regain its normative authority and make its ingenious system of checks and balances work again.

After all it is the human dignity and respect for the individual that is our core belief. This belief in a greater future implies persuasive policies on both sides of the Atlantic. We need to live up to our moral standards and share burdens fairly. This conference is to outline the potential that will bring America and Europe closer together again in support of an environment of confidence, security, freedom and justice.

What about the great institutions brought about by the transatlantic partnership ? can they be rescued and revitalized? What is to be done to re-establish the credibility of western democracy? What is to be done that the values we share will pass the test?

The DAI has invited a number of competent experts to discuss the state of the arts after the presidential election. We deliberately widened the spectrum from a very special academic world to a broader approach, including representatives of the media, arts and politics.

We are particularly happy about the fact that all the participants imply transatlantic sensitivity and understanding.


Friday, December 5, 2008

09:30 am ?Is there a transatlantic rift in values? Similarities and dissimilarities in American and European values?
Prof. Christian Welzel, Vice-President, World Values Surveys
Prof. of Political Science, SHSS, Jacobs University

10:30 am ?Values and Wars?
Dr. Peter Rudolf, Stiftung Wissenschaft & Politik

11:30 am ?International Law in U.S. Foreign Policy – Before and After the Election?
Dr. Jochen von Bernstorff, MPI Heidelberg

– B R E A K –

Moderation: Dr. Andrew B. Denison

2:00 pm ?German-American Relations: A new Administration – A new Beginning??
Prof. Stephen Szabo, Washington Academy

3:00 pm ?The USA and Europe: Terminal Ambivalence??
Prof. Norman Birnbaum, GULC

4:00 pm ?How liberal is Obama?? Prof. Gert Weisskirchen, Member of Parliament

4:45 pm ?The Next President: What Europe Can Expect? Jim Hoge, Editor, Foreign Affairs

6:00 pm ?Freedom and Security?
Prof. Nadine Strossen , President ACLU

Saturday, December 6, 2008

9:30 am: ?Where do we go from here? U.S. Foreign
Policy During the Obama Administration?
Dr. John C. Hulsman, German Council on Foreign Relations

10:30 am: ?Manifest Destiny: The American Malediction?
William Pfaff, Herald Tribune, Paris
11:30 am: ?Media and Politics?
Prof. Eli Noam, Columbia University, NYC

– B R E A K –

2:00 pm: ?A Foreign Affair. Notes on the
German-American Romance?
Michael Rutschky, Author

3:00 pm: ?New Dreams ? New Realities??
Irene Dische, Author

4:00 pm: ?What do Europeans Expect from Obama??
Peter Schneider, Author

5:00 pm: ?Challenge of the West After the Election? Richard Dreyfuss, Actor

7:00 pm: End of Symposium

Ingrid Stolz
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