Herfried Münkler

  • World in turmoil
  • Lecture

At the latest since the withdrawal of Western troops from Afghanistan and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we know that the order that has prevailed up to now has come to an end. The world is in turmoil. But how will it reorder itself, and what will it look like in the 21st century?

In this thought-provoking geopolitical analysis, Herfried Münkler shows where the lines of conflict will run in the future. Where are the dangers of this newly emerging order, where are its opportunities? Would it be a balanced balance of powers – or chaos? And how should Europe and Germany behave in the expected global confrontations? An exciting, benchmark-setting look at the constellations of power in the 21st century.

Herfried Münkler is professor emeritus of political science at Berlin’s Humboldt University and one of Germany’s most renowned political scientists. He has received numerous awards for his work. Many of his books are considered standard works and were on the SPIEGEL bestseller list for months.

Foto: F. Hentschel

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Regular price 15,90 €
Reduced price 12,90 €
Member price 9,90 €

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