Madita Oeming

  • Don't (porn) panic!
  • On alarmism in porn discourse
  • Lecture

The public discourse about pornography is predominantly alarmist; not only, but intensified since its explosive spread through the Internet: Porn is said to be misogynistic, distorts our body images, shows and increases sexualized violence, leads to a hypersexualized youth and is addictive.

In her contribution, cultural scientist Madita Oeming wants to critically question some of the cultural fears surrounding pornography, place them in their larger political context, and explain to what extent porn is primarily a historically grown scapegoat.

Madita Oeming, a trained banker and cultural scientist, is considered one of the few “porn scholars” in Germany. She has taught at the University of Paderborn and the JFK Institute at the FU Berlin, among other places.

The event will take place at the DAI Heidelberg and parallel in the dai HOME Livestream.
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