Words of resistance – The finale

  • The Monday reading
  • Literature

On Monday, July 15, 8:00 pm, DAI Heidelberg (hall), the event series “Words of Resistance” ends before the summer break with a grand finale, which will be musically framed by “The great OKEH” – Elisa Herbig (cello), Oliver Kuka (guitar), among others. Actors from the Heidelberg Theater, actors under the direction of director, playwright and lecturer Hubert Habig, Matthias Paul (TiK Theater im Karlstorbahnhof), Veronika Haas (Literaturherbst Heidelberg), Jutta Wagner (DAI Heidelberg) will read “Words of Resistance” from world literature and political resistance, including poems by Selma Merbaum. Heidelberg authors Sofie Morin and Claudia Luz will contribute their own “Texts of Resistance”. As with all “Words of Resistance” events, admission is free.

About the event series “Words of Resistance. The Monday Reading”: Together for a defensive culture! Against the backdrop of the CORRECTIV revelations about the meeting of radical right-wingers in Potsdam and in the wake of the “No step to the right in Heidelberg #niewiederistjetzt” demonstration with over 18,000 participants, Heidelberg’s cultural institutions have joined forces in an active alliance. The common concern: A defensive democracy needs a defensive culture – also on the stages of our city. Initiated and organized by the Freie Theaterverein Heidelberg e.V. and LiteraturHerbst Heidelberg, a multi-week, cross-genre series of events was launched on 15 April 2024 in deliberate reference to the historic Monday demonstrations: “Words of Resistance. Die Montagslesung”, which alliance and cooperation partners such as the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg, the DAI Heidelberg, the Theater Carnivore, the Karlstorbahnhof, authors, musicians, activists, students and pupils are actively involved in shaping.

Foto: Sarina Chamatova

Admission is free.