Education for a sustainable future

  • From Higher, Faster, Further into the Power of WE
  • Margret Rasfeld
  • Lecture

Today, schools are facing perhaps unprecedented challenges that go far beyond technological and organizational issues, subject matter, or performance assessments.
Increasingly, solutions to the complex challenges of the future must be developed collaboratively. A new attitude toward school is needed, one that defines it as a place for creating meaning, developing potential, and community.
A passionate and field-tested appeal for a new learning culture in which appreciative relationships and sense-making are priorities.

Margret Rasfeld is a school principal, author, and founder of the initiative Schule im Aufbruch. As an ambassador for a new and sustainable learning and working culture, she advocates education, sustainable development, potential development, participation and responsibility.
She has received numerous awards for her international commitment, most recently the WeQ Award and the Digitaler Aufbruch Award Germany.

In the series Schule Neu Denken.

In cooperation with DGB Heidelberg and GEW Rhein-Neckar.


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