New Corona Protection Measures from 03.04.22
Dear guests, dear friends,
from Sunday 03.04.22, new Corona protection measures will apply to all cultural institutions in Heidelberg and thus also to the DAI – for events and visits to the DAI library: the obligation to provide proof will no longer apply, the mask will remain.
What does this mean in concrete terms for a visit to the DAI?
– The obligation to provide 3G proof (recovered, tested, vaccinated) no longer applies and access to the events at the DAI and the library is therefore possible without 3G.
– There is still the obligation to wear a medical mouth-nose protection (OP mask or FFP2 mask). Please put on your mask when entering the DAI and keep it on during your visit.
– If you have symptoms or contact with an infected person, please stay at home.
So that we all stay healthy.
See you!