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Think & Drink

  • Topic: Community
  • Max von Sponeck
  • Social Activity

In this series, topics that are currently of particular concern to our society will be examined in a relaxed atmosphere. Based on a current text, we will discuss these issues and look to philosophy for inspiration and perhaps even answers.

The tense relationship between man and the world has been discussed throughout the history of philosophy. In our present day, it comes to a head when pronounced tendencies towards individualization on the one hand meet the need for cooperation in overcoming the crises of our time on the other.

Dr. Max von Sponeck is a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg and at the Heidelberg University of Education. He specializes in the contemporary philosophy of mind.

Duration: approx. 2 hours
Registration: Ingrid Stolz, ies@dai-heidelberg.de


Unfortunately, the event has to be postponed.

Foto: Jeff Siepman on unsplash.com