Musical Sunday

  • Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 4 in E flat major "The Romantic"
  • Marcus Imbsweiler & Timo Jouko Herrmann
  • Literature

In the devastating conflict of the 19th century – here the “traditionalists” around Brahms, there the “new Germans” around Liszt and Wagner – many a composer fell by the wayside. Even Anton Bruckner struggled to find his artistic path in this heated atmosphere. Many of his symphonies met with incomprehension or were not played at all. It was initially said of his No. 4 that only the first movement was performable, while the rest was “crazy”. However, when the work was actually performed in 1881, it quickly caught on. Today, the Fourth, Bruckner’s “Romantic”, is one of the most popular symphonies of all.

At Musical Sunday at the DAI Heidelberg, two music enthusiasts will have their say and delve deep into the respective works with the audience: Marcus Imbsweiler publishes novels and short stories; Timo Jouko Herrmann is a composer and guest conductor of the Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra.

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 11,90 €
Reduced price 9,90 €
Member price 6,90 €

Box Office at a premium
