Klaus Mainzer

  • • Complex systems, chaos theory and self-regulation
  • Complexity as an integrative science
  • Geist Heidelberg, Lecture

In this era of globalisation, lifestyles are becoming ever more diverse and complex. Klaus Mainzer addresses the complex systems which exist in nature, in technical, economic and social fields. He discusses the paradigms of self-regulation, chaos theory and artificial intelligence from a philosophical perspective.

What are the outcomes of research into these complex systems, and what effects do they have on our behaviours? What does research mean for various countries, cultures and religions?
In our diverse, modern world, research into these complexities can serve as a vector of integration or, to use Leibniz’s words, it can promote, “unity in diversity.”

Professor Klaus Mainzer, born in 1947, has studied Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy. He is an expert in the philosophical aspects of complex systems and holds a teaching position at the TUM Munich for Philosophy and Scientific Theory.

Language: German

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