Manfred Lütz

  • The meaning of life
  • Conference

The question of the meaning of life has driven Manfred Lütz his whole life.

He will be speaking at the DAI as part of the annual public conference “The Meaning of Life”, which this year explores the topic of “freedom” from various perspectives and gives experts from the fields of philosophy, theology, psychology, neurology and politics a chance to speak.

The meaning of life can be explored philosophically or in religion, but how and where can it be seen? Many people see it in the beauty of nature, they sense something divine in it. But if there were only nature, if there were no human beings, there would be no one to see any meaning in the vastness of the universe. The highest expression of meaning, however, is art. And hardly any other place has attracted the world’s greatest artists as much as Rome. Lütz has known and loved this city for 50 years. As a student, he guided people through Rome to show them the meaning of life. Because in Rome, he is convinced, and this is also the subject of his latest book, you can see the meaning of life.

Dr. Manfred Lütz is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, theologian and cabaret artist.

Ticket options:

You can book a one-way ticket for Manfred Lütz ‘s lecture using the ticket button on the right. If you would like to attend the entire conference conference, you can book here to book a day ticket .

All information about the conference, the schedule and the other guests can be found here.

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 15,90 €
Reduced price 12,90 €
Member price 9,90 €

Box Office at a premium
