Crap, she understands me!

  • Florence Brokowski-Shekete
  • Literature

“A person with a different skin color simply has to come from somewhere else, not understand the language and also be culturally different in other ways. It simply can’t be otherwise, otherwise the world view of some would be shaken.”

Florence Brokowski-Shekete was born in Hamburg to Nigerian parents and grew up with a German foster mother in Buxtehude until her biological parents took her to Nigeria. There, the nine-year-old feels completely alienated. With the help of a teacher, she returns to Germany. Today, she herself lives in Heidelberg as a teacher and is the first German black school district director. She also founded an agency for intercultural communication, where she has since worked as a freelance consultant, coach and trainer.

Mist, die versteht mich ja! is the life story of a strong woman: In her autobiography, the author describes the experiences of a black German, the fine line between humorously described anecdotes and unpleasant everyday racism, between integration and finding one’s identity.

In the context of the 7th Literaturherbst Heidelberg

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