Target Europe

  • Ryszard Schnepf
  • Former Polish Ambbassador to the U.S.

The rise of populism, the growing threat of terrorism, the migrant and refugee crisis – they are all part of a process in which Europe has moved from being reasonably stable to becoming fairly unstable.

The European Union has to rethink and reassemble its stance in order to protect fundamental values. This becomes even more difficult as we are currently witnessing the decline of liberalism as we used to know it.

In addition, European politicians are facing another challenge which is to quickly diagnose and possibly redefine relations with the U.S. in regard to defence and trade mechanisms.

In a discussion Ryszard Schnepf will address these issues and try to lay out the possible scenarious ahead. He is the former Polish Ambassador to the United States (2012-2016) and previously also functioned as ambassador to Spain, Uruguay, Paraguay and other Latin American states. In addition he served as Secretary of State and advisor to the Prime Minister on foreign affairs.

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 8 €
Reduced price 5 €
Member price 4 €

Box Office at a premium
