RNZ Forum at the DAI

  • "You don't have a plan, that's why we're making one!"
  • 10 conditions for saving our future
  • In dialogue

The supposedly apolitical generation of today’s 14- to 25-year-olds is rising up and making concrete demands on politicians so that sustainable living and a new intergenerational contract can succeed. A vision for all? A task for politics?

Sarah Hadj Ammar, student of biomedicine, Plant-for-the-Planet, Global Board (Youth World Board), Würzburg.
Daniel Al-Kayal, political science student, SPD, Heidelberg
Dr. Lukas Köhler, PhD in philosophy, Member of the German Bundestag, Munich

Moderation: Sören Sgries, RNZ Political Editor

Supported by the Heidelberg Partnership for Democracy, funded by the program Demokratie leben! of the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth.


Unfortunately, the event has to be cancelled due to corona. Several speakers have cancelled due to the worsening situation.