Innovation and Transfer in Higher Education: Strategies at Stanford and Heidelberg University

  • Eureka! Ländle Meets California
  • Prof. Tom Byers & Prof. Matthias Weidemüller
  • Im Dialog, Online-Veranstaltungen

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Universities and higher education institutions have long since shaken off the image of the ivory tower and have been developing strategies of their own to help innovations, knowledge and scientific findings have a broad impact on society.
Thus, like most other institutions, they are confronted with multiple new challenges and have to adapt strongly to a changing world. What strategies and best practices do universities employ to foster innovation and transfer? How are these approaches embedded in university life, teaching and research? What new self-image do universities have to establish today in order to successfully cope with these challenges?

Eureka! Ländle Meets California is a digital event series on the sister state partnership between Baden-Württemberg and California.

The series is organized by the DAZ Stuttgart in cooperation with the German-American Institutes in Freiburg, Heidelberg, and Tübingen, and with generous support of the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg.

Tom Byers is professor of Entrepreneurship at Stanford University’s School of Engineering and Faculty Director of Stanford’s Technology Ventures Program.

Matthias Weidemueller is professor of Experimental Physics and Vice-Rector for Innovation and Transfer at the University of Heidelberg.

Moderation: Lauren Watwood (DAI Heidelberg)

Sprache: Englisch

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Foto: DAZ Stuttgart

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