Toddler Time
- Kinderprogramm, Social Activity
Toddler Time provides a space for English-speaking and multilingual families who have toddlers to come read, play, chat and enjoy the library together. We have a large selection of age-appropriate books, crayons and paper for drawing as well as some toys. We also offer coffee and tea.
Once a month, our children’s librarian Colleen will bring along a story to read and some rhymes, finger plays, songs, and musical activities for the toddlers to interact with. If you would like to participate on a regular basis, please become a member of the DAI Circle of Friends.
Saturdays, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Language: English
The program is free of charge, registration is not necessary.
Liebe Gäste, aufgrund der sich zuspitzenden Entwicklungen und der entsprechenden behördlichen Anordnungen der Stadt Heidelberg im Rahmen der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Infektionen mit dem Corona-Virus werden alle Veranstaltungen vom 13. März bis einschließlich 19. April 2020 am DAI Heidelberg abgesagt.