The September – December program is now online!
The brochure with all fall events is now available for you as an online version.
Secure your tickets for your personal highlights now.
Here is a small insight into the extensive fall program:
You can look forward to our 14th International Science Festival – Geist Heidelberg.
Four Nobel Prize winners will be at the DAI this year: Venki Ramakrishnan, who will talk about the possibility of eternal life from a biological perspective. Benjamin List will talk about catalysis as the most important technology of mankind, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard will explain why beauty is essential for survival in the animal world and biochemist Aaron Ciechanover will provide insights into the possibilities of personalized medicine.
You can also look forward to other illustrious speakers such as cosmologist Conny Aerts, philosopher Julian Nida-Rümelin, Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim and Harald Lesch.
At this year’s Empathy Conference, experts including cultural scientist Aleida Assmann will examine the topic of public spirit from various perspectives; at the Virtuality vs. Reality symposium, Heidelberg philosopher Thomas Fuchs and writer Doris Dörrie will discuss how the rapid pace of digitalization is blurring the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds.
Also: Celebrate with us for the 3rd time the festival of language magic: our International Children’s Book Festival. We offer children of different ages readings in several languages, poetry parties, story writing, concerts, crafts, art and philosophy – there is something for everyone.
Let us surprise you.
Browse through now and discover many more exciting events: