Yasha Mounk

  • The great experiment
  • How diversity threatens and enriches democracy
  • Lecture

Globalization, migration and identity politics are shaping Germany and posing unexpected challenges to the political system. Can democracy function in a diverse society? How can a democratic constitution contain the social and political centrifugal forces of a multiethnic society without betraying the liberal idea?

Yascha Mounk provides guidance for an intact multiethnic democracy. This involves defending pluralistic principles and balancing equality and individual freedom. Mounk is a political scientist and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University. He writes for the New York Times, the Atlantic, and DIE ZEIT, and is the author of The Decay of Democracy (2018).


Hybrid event

Foto: Steffen Jänicke

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 11,90 €
Reduced price 9,90 €
Member price 6,90 €

Box Office at a premium
