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  • 22nd International Festival for Silent Film and Live Music
  • Musical accompaniment: Jutta Glaser, Angela Frontera, Anke Helfrich
  • Concert, Festival, Film

Director: Anastasia Mikova & Yann Arthus-Bertrand
France 2020, 105 min

Around 8 billion people live on Earth, half of whom are female. And yet they are not heard equally in all countries and cultures. The documentary Woman is based on a global project that gives 2,000 women from over 50 countries the chance to express their opinions on what it means to be a woman in today’s society. Obstacles, injustices, but also special strengths and unique abilities are discussed.
In touching stories, the women talk about their education, motherhood, sexuality, marriage and the desire for financial independence. Taboo subjects such as domestic violence and menstruation are also discussed. The inner strength of these women is impressive in every single story.

Musical accompaniment: Jutta Glaser (vocals), Angela Frontera (percussion), Anke Helfrich (piano)

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 19,90 €
Reduced price 15,90 €
Member price 12,90 €

Box Office at a premium
