Torben Lütjen
- America in the Cold Civil War
- How a country loses its center
- Lecture
Anyone looking from Europe to the United States quickly wonders whether a president like Trump would be possible here. Torben Lütjen clearly describes how the gains in individual freedom have led to Americans settling into ideological echo chambers and pulling up the drawbridge to the opposite side. Are similar processes of division taking place in our country? Is our democracy up to the task?
America in the Cold Civil War. How a country loses its center. shows what the world could look like after Trump!
USA specialist Torben Lütjen writes regularly in FAZ, ZEIT, Spiegel, taz. Book publications: Frank Walter Steinmeier: The Biography; Party of Extremes: The Republicans; The Politics of the Echo Chamber: Wisconsin and the Ideological Polarization of the USA.
In the series Democracy in Crisis?
Will be postponed. We will endeavor to find an alternative date, which we will announce in good time.