Think & Drink – Think globally, act locally
- Max von Sponeck
- Social Activity
In this series, topics that are currently of particular concern to our society will be examined in a relaxed atmosphere. Based on a current text, we will discuss these issues and look to philosophy for inspiration and perhaps even answers.
Think globally, act locally: What can this principle, which was very popular in the 1970s and can bring with it an experience of self-efficacy, contribute to strengthening democracy in times of right-wing populist simplification? What can we do specifically in our small sphere of influence at a local level to tackle global challenges, at least within our means?
Dr. Max von Sponeck is a lecturer in the Philosophy Department at the University of Heidelberg and at the Heidelberg University of Education. He specializes in the contemporary philosophy of mind.
Language: German
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Registration: Ingrid Stolz,