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Roger de Weck & Manfred Osten

  • Who will save journalism?
  • A plea for the indispensable 'spoilsport' in democracy
  • In dialogue

Roger de Weck in conversation with Manfred Osten about journalism and democracy.

Roger de Weck’s new book was recently published: Das Prinzip Trotzdem – Warum wir den Journalismus vor den Medien retten müssen. At the DAI, the experienced journalist and committed democrat talks about the urgent challenges facing journalism. As a former newspaper editor, radio boss, reporter and presenter, de Weck knows the industry inside out and critically examines the growing contradictions between the ideals of journalism and the mechanisms of the media industry.
De Weck calls on journalism to resist the dictates of usage figures and clicks and instead assert itself as a corrective to a living democracy – especially in times of disinformation and shitstorms.

The Swiss author and economist Roger de Weck was Editor-in-Chief of Die Zeit from 1997 to 2001 and Director General of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation from 2011 to 2017. He hosted the Sternstunden Philosophie program on 3sat.

Foto: Nora Nussbaumer

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 11,90 €
Reduced price 9,90 €
Member price 6,90 €

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