Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence

  • Karen Armstrong
  • Part of Empathy-Conference
  • Lecture

The golden rule is an old and widespread principle in practical ethics: “Treat others as you want to be treated”.

The thought of sympathy is deeply anchored in all world religions. Nevertheless, religious conflicts are frequently a trigger for hate and violence.

In her new book Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence, Armstrong examines the historical background of religions in relation to religious violence. With her analysis she establishes a basis for the understanding of current international conflicts.

Armstrong is one of the most renowned religious scholars worldwide. She was awarded the TED-Prize in 2008, receiving 100.000 dollar in honor of her work. In her speech upon receiving the prize, she called for the foundation of a “Charter for Compassion” to establish the golden rule as a religious doctrine.


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