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Paula Steingäßer

  • And what about our future?
  • Growing up with the climate crisis
  • Lecture

Fear, self-doubt and the question: What does my future look like? Young people have always been on a quest. But in a society where the climate crisis threatens the future, disorientation seems insurmountable. The feelings triggered by dealing with the climate crisis can isolate and paralyze. The impact this has on all of us, and on young people in particular, is not talked about enough.
From a personal perspective, Paula Steingäßer describes growing up in a world in which an entire generation is being torn away from all certainties and convictions. A courageous conversation that shows: We need to talk about uncertainty and despair in order to develop sustainable stories and effective activism.

Paula Steingäßer studies history and philosophy in Freiburg i. Br. Due to her parents’ journalistic work, she traveled around the world as a child to draw attention to the consequences of the climate crisis. And what about our future? (2024) is her latest book.

In the Thinking Futures series

Foto: Stefan Gelberg

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 9,90 €
Reduced price 6,90 €
Member price 4,90 €

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