Paris qui dort
- Jazzclub Heidelberg at the DAI
- Silent film & Live music
Director: René Clair, France, 1925
Organiser: Jazzclub Heidelberg in cooperation with Medienforum Heidelberg e.V., The Stephen-Hawking School (Stephen-Hawking-Schule) and the Neckargemünd Music School (Musikschule Neckargemünd).
Under the slogan, “Band-crossing”, GATE and Noisy Dudes have worked together for one whole school year to produce a soundtrack for this film – a jewel in the crown of the early film era. The musicians use standard jazz elements as well as original pieces composed by the band, GATE. Produced under the musical direction of Petra Schostak (SHS, director of GATE), and in cooperation with a number of lecturers from the Neckargemünd music school; Eduard Köhnke (director of the Band Noisy Dudes), Christian Dobirr (drums, percussion, work with a number of bands) and Viola Bommer (Jazz and Pop vocals, Saxophone).
Ticket reservations:
Language: German