Jens Brandenburg and Mathias Greffrath
- Learning - but how?
- Geist Heidelberg, Lecture
The DAI Heidelberg is committed to lifelong learning and dedicates its science festival Geist Heidelberg to the pressing questions of our time.
Jens Brandenburg and Mathias Greffrath address the following challenges in their opening lecture: How do we reinvent learning? What jobs will there still be in the future? How will our schools, our universities, our entire education system have to position themselves in the future? And how will employers and employees have to adapt to cope with the digital world?
Dr. Jens Brandenburg is Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He has been a member of the German Bundestag for the Rhine-Neckar region since 2017. In the parliamentary group of the Free Democrats, he was the spokesman for studies, vocational training and lifelong learning until 2021, as well as the representative in the Enquete Commission “Vocational Training in the Digital World of Work”.
He studied political science and economics at the University of Mannheim and completed his doctorate at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences.
Mathias Greffrath, born in Bad Harzburg in 1945, is a German sociologist, writer and journalist. He writes for Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and GEO, and is also a member of the scientific advisory board of Attac and the PEN Center Germany.
As part of the International Science Festival – Geist Heidelberg
If you would like to participate in the event, please register bindingly and free of charge by e-mail at All registrations will be considered that are received by Friday, 07 October, 3 p.m. at the above e-mail address.
Admission is free.