How to find your way into a great new job

  • Job application workshop
  • Workshop

In Germany, about 3 million people are looking for jobs at any given day. Despite their qualifications, many applicants face rejections for jobs they are well-suited for. This is due to a lack of understanding of today’s recruitment process, which largely happens over the Internet.

In this workshop, you will learn about online application challenges, structured application and tracking process, strategies to avoid rejections, and how to create applications (CVs and cover letters) that lead to interviews.

Mithun Sridharan is a Principal Coach at IntrVu, where he specializes in career and professional services for expats. He will share practical insights from his own managerial experience and from advising expats on their career in Europe.

From 10:00 till 17:00 hrs
Price: 40 Euro / 30 Euro for DAI-Freundeskreis-Members
Please register via Jutta Wagner: