Get out of the drawers! My conversations with Black Germans

  • Florence Brokowski-Shekete
  • Opening of the 8th Literaturherbst Heidelberg
  • Literature

Florence Brokowski-Shekete is undoubtedly a strong woman. Born in Hamburg to Nigerian parents, she grew up with a German foster mother until her biological parents took her back to Nigeria. There, the nine-year-old feels completely alienated. With the help of a teacher, she returns to Germany. Today, she herself lives as a teacher in Heidelberg and is probably the first German black school district director. Her autobiography Mist, die versteht mich ja! From the Life of a Black German became a bestseller. Also with her new book Raus aus den Schubladen! My Conversations with Black Germans, she invites readers to break down prejudices. An important contribution to everyday racism, understanding and empowerment of Blacks in Germany.

Florence Brokowski-Shekete is a school district director in Baden-Württemberg. As a trainer in her agency for intercultural communication, she advises companies and institutions. She has a teaching assignment at the Heidelberg University of Education on the topic of “Discrimination-Sensitive Pedagogy in the Educational Context.”

The event will take place at the DAI Heidelberg and parallel in the dai HOME Livestream.
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Hybrid event

Ticket Prices (plus fees)

Regular price 9,90 €
Reduced price 5,90 €
Member price 4,90 €

Box Office at a premium
