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Is society being eaten up by anxiety?

  • Prof. Heinz Bude
  • Germany: Between panic and fatalism

In comparison to its European neighbours Germany is doing worryingly well.

The middleclass is rock steady, a political consensus seems to have been found, civil society is flourishing. But the general mood doesn’t seem to reflect this. A helpless anti-capitalism continues to raise its head, vying for recognition, and a resigned sense of fatalism seems to be setting in. The question must be asked, whether this indicates a change from general trust in the system to general fear of the system.

Professor Heinz Bude is professor of Sociology at the University of Kassel. His most recently published books are, “Education panic” (Bildungspanik, 2011) and “Society of Fear” (Gesellschaft der Angst, 2014).

Please also take a look at our “Fear?” series, taking place from 14/06/15.

Langugage: German

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