32nd Heidelberg Piano Week
- Iulian Ochescu
- In cooperation with the Jahrhundertwende-Gesellschaft
- Concert
Change of programme and instrumentation, as the announced Romanian pianist Iulian Ochescu unfortunately had to cancel due to an accident. Uwe Balser, 1st chairman of the Jahrhundertwende Society, will play in his place this evening. His programme includes selected pieces by Nikolai Medtner (1880-1951).
Iulian Ochescu from Bucharest has already won over twenty awards at national and international competitions, including first prize at the International Millennium Piano Competition and a special prize at the Bach Competition. He is currently studying at the National University of Music in Bucharest.
He has recorded performances for the Romanian Radio and Television and is currently a member of the Ludens Piano Trio, the Violoncelissimo Ensemble and the Romanian Youth Orchestra. In 2016 Ochescu was appointed official accompanist of the George Enescu International Competition and gave a series of concerts and master classes at the Music Universities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
At the DAI he will play works by Chopin, Debussy, Brahms and Enescu.