Startseite » Veranstaltungen » Little Scientists in their Library Lab

Little Scientists in their Library Lab

  • Kinderprogramm, Social Activity

This new workshop series introduces children (ages 7 – 9) to tough-looking scientific concepts through storytelling and child-led, hands-on experimentation. The motto is: science is for everyone – and nothing is too hard for a curious little mind.

Dr. Pooja Joshi has a degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Medical Sciences. She now writes children’s books on science topics, e.g. “Metamorphosis”.

Dr. Lilia Ermlich is an agricultural engineer and did her PhD in plant physiology. Currently, she engages herself in making science language accessible for children.


Dates 1st course:
September 21: Germ Lab
Who are the heroes and villains in the microscopic world? Bacteria, fungi and viruses are not only dangerous, but also friendly and useful.

September 28: Electricity Lab
Little scientists turn the lights on – Fruit and veg batteries, generators and more!

October 5: Light Lab
Light from a bulb and the light from sunlight are different, but how? We split light into a rainbow to find out more.

October 12: Senses Lab
We know how our senses work, but will you be fooled? We solve a mystery using all our senses!

October 19: Food Lab
What’s hiding in our foods? We test to find out different components.

November 2: Racing Lab
We race cars – Little scientists’ cars versus the programmable Lego® Boost car!


Dates 2nd course:
November 9: Sky Lab
Our planet Earth has the best light show at night. We explore some of the secrets from the outer space.

November 16: Water Lab
Water, water, everywhere; not a drop to drink! We test the different properties of all the waters we find in our world.

November 23: Plant Lab:
What and how do plants eat and drink? We investigate what’s inside the plant.

November 30: Soil Lab:
What’s beneath your feet? We poke around in the soil to examine what makes it so important and how we can safeguard it.

December 7: Forensics Lab:
Who is the criminal? Using forensics experiments, we solve the mystery of the year!

December 14: Pizza Lab
Where do the calories in a pizza come from? We count calories, make and bake a pizza or make a pizza dough to take away!


Mondays, 4:30 - 6:00 pm,  six  classes per course
Language: English

Please register your child ahead of time.
Contact:, 06221.6073-15
Course Fee: 70 € / 60 € for members of the DAI Circle of Friends, including materials and one Makerspace craft take-away per session (assembled by children)


Die Veranstaltungen und Workshops in der Bibliothek des DAI Heidelberg werden bis auf weiteres pausiert.