Bush’s Third Term?

Alte Bibliothek, ZEW, Mannheim

  • Mark Rozell
  • Presidential Unilateralism in the Obama Era
  • Vortrag

On the defining issues of peace and prosperity, the Democratic Party, after calling President George W. Bush a “historic” failure, has chosen a Bush-lite strategy in Afghanistan and apparently a Bush-like economic plan. Welcome to Bush 43-3, despite the prohibitions of the 22nd Amendment. “In the name of our children, we reject the proposals of those who want to continue George Bush’s disastrous economic policies,” passionately declared the 2008 Democratic Party platform, saying Republicans had “promised fiscal responsibility but instead gave tax cuts to the wealthy few.” Yet Democrats seem on the verge of accepting as necessary to avoid another downturn the very economic policy they said had disastrously led to the latest one. The same platform attacked the failed Bush strategy in the part of the world that it said posed the “greatest threat to the security of ? the American people.” Democrats promised a new approach in Afghanistan, but they now have settled on hiring the Texan’s favorite general to impose the same basic counterinsurgency strategy that Democrats had said wouldn’t work. Is the Obama Presidency de facto Bush’s Third Term?

Professor Mark Rozell (George Mason University ? School of Public Policy) is author and editor of more than 25 books on the American presidency, religion and politics, media and politcs and interest groups and elections. His expertise is regularly sought after in Washington Post, Washington Times and Time Magazine. Professor Rozell has been invited to US Congress numerous times as scientific expert in hearings.

The US Consulate General, The Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 884 ?The Political Economy of Reforms? and the German-American Institute Heidelberg (DAI) invite to Professor Rozell?s Public Lecture.

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